Matrix theory

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Lectures on localization and matrix models in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories
by Marcos Marino (1104.0783 [hep-th], 71 pages, 7 figures)

Algebraic methods in random matrices and enumerative geometry
by Bertrand Eynard (SPhT), Nicolas Orantin (CERN) (0811.3531 [hep-th], review article, Latex, 139 pages, many figures)

Review of Matrix Theory
by Daniela Bigatti, Leonard Susskind (hep-th/9712072, 45 pages, 2 figures)

Matrix Models
by C. Sochichiu (hep-th/0506186, 38 pages)

M(atrix) Theory: Matrix Quantum Mechanics as a Fundamental Theory
by Washington Taylor (hep-th/0101126, 56 pages, 3 figures)
Taylor makes an effort to make his review accessible, to cover a broad range of topics, and to describe how matrix theory relates to other models.

The M(atrix) model of M-theory
by Washington Taylor (hep-th/0002016, 80 pages, 4 figures)

Introduction to M(atrix) theory and noncommutative geometry
by A. Konechny, A. Schwarz (hep-th/0012145)

Introduction to M(atrix) theory and noncommutative geometry, Part II
by A. Konechny, A. Schwarz (hep-th/0107251, 34 pages)

TASI Lectures on Matrix Theory
by Tom Banks (hep-th/9911068, 47 pages)
This review by a founder of matrix theory emphasizes discrete light-cone quantization and compactifications.

M-Theory and the Light Cone
by Joseph Polchinski (hep-th/9903165, 13 pages, 3 figures)

An Introduction to the Quantum Supermembrane
by Arundhati Dasgupta, Hermann Nicolai, Jan Plefka (hep-th/0201182, 24 pages, 4 figures)

Membranes and Matrix Models
by Jens Hoppe (hep-th/0206192, 32 pages)

Nonperturbative Formulations of Superstring Theory
by Lubos Motl (hep-th/0109149, 156 pages, 4 figures)

IIB Matrix Model
H. Aoki, S. Iso, H. Kawai, Y. Kitazawa, T. Tada, A. Tsuchiya (hep-th/9908038, 37 pages, 2 figures)

Supermembranes and Super Matrix Models
by Bernard de Wit (hep-th/9902051, 41 pages)

Supermembranes and M(atrix) Theory
by Hermann Nicolai, Robert Helling (hep-th/9809103, 46 pages, 4 figures)

Supermembranes and Super Matrix Theory
by Bernard de Wit (hep-th/9802073, 19 pages)

Lectures on D-branes, Gauge Theory and M(atrices)
by Washington Taylor (hep-th/9801182, 80 pages, 8 figures)

Matrix Theory
by Tom Banks (hep-th/9710231, 72 pages)

M(atrix) Theory : a Pedagogical Introduction
by Adel Bilal (hep-th/9710136, 20 pages, 2 figures)

The State of Matrix Theory
by Tom Banks (hep-th/9706168, 11 pages)

Three Introductory Lectures in Helsinki on Matrix Models of Superstrings
by Yuri Makeenko (hep-th/9704075, 27 pages, 2 figure)

Symmetries and interactions in matrix string theory
by Feike Hacquebord (hep-th/9909227, 115 pages)

Matrix theory on